

PHP Version >= 7.2.13 Database MySql Tools Laravel 7.0

Database Setup

Go to your Cpanel and find MySQL® Databases and open the page Create a new database by clicking the create database button Bellow on that page you will get add new user. Fill the username and password and click create user. In section Add User to Database, Select User and Database to Assign User to your databse. When Adding to user to database it will redirect to bellow page. Make sure by clicking ALL PREVILIEGES and then click on make change. After Clicking make changes it will show a success massage like bellow image. In create database page you will get current databse table with list of your database and user Go to phpMyAdmin Page Click on your databse and then click import Open File Manager Server and select the sql Then Click the Go button It will generate a success massage Open your file manager Push your file there Click upload button Select File and upload Select File and upload Select File and upload Find the zip file and select Upload successful Extract the zip file Go to that folder Edit .env Give your database name, username, password then click to Save changes Go to your url